Saturday, September 29, 2012

McKenna's gymnastics practice! (Please ignore my hands .-.)

 **EDIT!** TOTALLY IGNORE WHEN SHE FALLS OVER :)!Meep, I'm on a laptop right now :3. Please enjoy! I might also post it on youtube. I tryed not to get my voice in there, but I don't know if that worked  XP. Please totally ignore my hands :).

~ Mia776, Sign-off not avalible on a different Computer..

Friday, September 21, 2012


Hey Peeps! I'm just here to say 2 things... 

One is....Ninif? Can you PLEASE check your e-mail? :3

And the other is.....I CANT POST THIS WEEKEND D':! :(. I'll miss posting this weekend :(.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Interviews with the AG's I play with most.. ;)

Me: So, Mckenna, Whats your favorite color? You can pick more than one.
Mckenna: Aqua /  Teal, Purple, And some bright light green, Maybe.
Me: Very nice! And how would you describe yourself? :)
Mckenna: Hmmm.....Well, I would say, That I'm pretty energetic, Nice, and Stubborn at times :3.
Me: Okay, And Whats your favorite food?
Mckenna: Can I choose drinks?
Me: Yes.
Mckenna: Okay, Then I'd choose Smoothies ♥. Didin't I just answer this Question? .3.
Me: Whats your favorite sport?
Mckenna: I'm sorry but.....Are you like....Blind? o.O . I'm wearing a leotard in that picture! I live for Gymnastics. And, My favorite sport is.....GYMNASTICS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :DDDD! Sorry if that sounded a little mean D: :).
Me: Well, That wraps up Mckenna's Interview! Lets move on to Caroline's!
 Me: Hello Caroline! This is going to be an interview with you! ;)
Caroline: Okay.....
Me: Lets begin! First off, Whats your favorite color?
Caroline: Hmm...Well, I like light pink and sky blue. I like light pastel colors.
Me: And how would you discribe yourself?
Caroline: Well, I would probably discribe myself as : Adventurous, Kind, Brave, and Daring. I know, I don't look like that at all :).
Me: No, Caroline, you look fine ;D. Anyways, What is your favorite food?
Caroline: My Grandmothers ginger cakes! 
Me: And for the last question, What is your favorite thing to do? It can be a sport. ;D
Caroline: Sailing!!!!! I also like playing with my cat.
Me: Okay, Well that wraps up Caroline! Lets go on to Gwen...
 Me: Hi Gwen! I'm going to interview you! ;)
Gwen: H-h-h-hh-h-iiiii.....I'm a little I don't know if I want to be......
Me: Oh, Gwen! Don't worry! This is only going on a blog! Well, onto the first question, Whats your favorite color?
Gwen: L-l-l-l-l-light p-p-pink.....
Me: How would you discribe yourself? :D
Gwen: Uhhh.....really Shy, Sometimes depressed, Quiet, And ummm......Kind?
Me: Okay, I can tell that your shy. Whats your favorite food?
Gwen: Any food I can get.....Okay, Fine. keep it a secret, though *Gwen whispers* I'm......Home........les *Gwen sighs*
Me: It's alright! Now, Whats your favorite thing to do?
Gwen: Well, I love to play my violin, And I like playing with my friends, and I also like to read.
Me: Well, Thanks for the interview, Gwen! :D. I give you the best of wishes to find a home ;).

Well, It's just some sort of Interview thing I just randomly did. It took liek an hour to type up all of it XD :P. Well, Thats all for now......Jammers? I dunno Peace!

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Random pictures of, Lanie, McKenna, Kanani, And Caroline!

This post was so Random, I coudent think of what to post about :\. So I decided to post Random pictures of some of my AG dolls! Ninif I hope you still want me to be an author XD. P.S Lanie is Girl of the year 2010
Heres McKenna with her dog, Cooper. This is possibly the best picture I have ever took o.O . Mckenna is Girl of the year 2012 ;D, A.K.A This year!!!! ;DDD.
Here is Kanani. If your wondering about her name, It means "The beautiful one" In hawaiian. Kanani is Girl of the year 2011.

Here is a random picture of Caroline. I DO NOT OWN THE PICTURE!!! American Girl owns it. I didin't take the picture on my Camera or anything.

I wanna do Gymnastics!!!!! Oh wait, I can! Peace out peeps O3O!

Friday, September 14, 2012


Hi! I'm Mia776, And I'm a Author! I love American Girls (As much as Ninif :3)! And I have a ton of them...But I'll just show you 2 of them XD....

 Caroline is on the Left, And Mckenna is on the Right! They are the 2 American girls that I play with most often. I also play with Gwen. I don't have any pictures of her though. Caroline is a Historical AG from the war of 1812, And Mckenna is Girl of the year 2012! It's weird though, Because I have alot In common with Mckenna. I realized yesterday, What I don't have in common with Mckenna, I do have in common with Caroline. It's very creepy :3. Mckenna and Caroline are my 2 favorite AG's, I like Mckenna about... 20% more though. I hope you Enjoyed this post :D!

I'm sooooo Exited :DDDD!!!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012


croline looks just like lanie   ahh!!

so kool

croline just came out!!!!           she is sooooooo kool !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!